Spring Series — Follicular Phase 101 with Stella Artuso

Available on — Apple Podcasts & Spotify & Amazon Podcasts

Interview with Stella Artuso - MPH, RYT, Menstrual Cycle Coach and Somatic Educator. 

Stella is a multi-passionate human who’s been intrigued by the wisdom of the human body and holistic way of living ever since she was a child. Being a life-long learner has brought her to explore various career paths. She has a background in Clinical exercise therapy, Public health, and taught yoga for nearly a decade.

Today, Stella works closely with women who desire to love and accept their WHOLE selves. As a Menstrual Cycle Coach and Somatic Educator, she guides women to reconnect to the natural phases of their menstrual cycle, reconnect to their body’s intelligence and nourish their nervous system though trauma-informed somatic practices. Stella works with women both privately and in group containers, which fosters connection to Self and sisterhood. 

Stella’s offerings are the result of over 15+years of personal and professional experience that merges science with the sacred. And we're so excited to welcome her for her second appearance in the pod community!



We now launch seasonal series 4 times a year! Keep your ears peeled for juicy community episodes and continuing education goodness.



Spring Series — How to Bring the Fun Back into your Business with Laura Kelly


Knowing it vs. Being it & the End of an Era